Manchester Bidwell Corporation resumes on-site operations with safety guidelines in place
June 30, 2020 10:29 am
As on-site operations resume, Manchester Bidwell Corporation (MBC) has taken significant measures to help ensure the health and safety of staff, students and visitors on our campus. The protocols and plans set forth will continue to be updated, revised or rescinded, as needed, as conditions change. Together, these measures will help protect our community from exposure to COVID–19.
Safety Guidelines & Procedures
We have worked diligently to develop and implement comprehensive safety guidelines and procedures for the resumption of on-site operations that align with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania Department of Education and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expectations and standards.
Stopping the Spread of Germs
While on MBC’s campus, all staff, students and visitors must adhere to the following:
CDC-approved face masks that cover the nose and mouth are mandatory and are to be worn at all times while on MBC’s campus. If a person does not have a mask, our Human Resources office will provide them with one.
Staff, students and visitors must employ social distancing by staying at least 6 feet (about two arms’ length) from other people as much as feasible in all areas of MBC’s campus including classrooms, hallways, restrooms and common areas.
Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the buildings that are a part of MBC’s campus. The stations are to be used as needed and hand-washing for at least 20 seconds is also encouraged throughout the day.
General Operational Changes
MBC wants to remain welcoming to those interested in our work while ensuring the safety and security of our staff and students. We are currently conducting tours by appointment only with a limited number of visitors allowed. All visitors must adhere to our safety guidelines by wearing a mask and practicing social distancing. Those interested in booking tours should contact:
Taylor Fife
Digital Marketing Specialist
412-323-4000, ext. 195
Bidwell Training Center will not be conducting in-person information sessions our tours of their facilities at this time. Their informational session has moved to an online format.
MCG Jazz’s box office is operating remotely. They have also rescheduled spring concerts for the fall and have created an interactive, digital brochure for their new season.
MCG Youth & Arts will hold this year’s summer studio sessions virtually and this year’s MCG Invitational took place online. There are currently no artist exhibitions on display at our facilities.
The Drew Mathieson Center is offering contact-less pickup.
Cleaning Procedures
MBC’s programs and departments conducting in-person operations are committed to cleaning and disinfecting high-touch areas frequently. Employees are also encouraged to disinfect their workspaces every day once arriving to work and before leaving.
Protecting our Employees
In the event of a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19, administration will be informed immediately. Administration will implement a response plan which includes the following:
Securing and decontaminating the affected areas by:
Closing off areas visited by the person with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19;
Opening outside doors and windows and using ventilation fans to circulate air in the area;
Waiting at least 24 hours, or as long as practical, before cleaning and disinfecting the affected area;
Cleaning and disinfecting all shared areas such as offices, bathrooms, break rooms and shared electronic equipment (i.e., tablets, touch screens, keyboards, remote controls);
Identifying employees who were in close contact (within about 6 feet for 10 minutes or more) with a person with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 from the period 48 hours before symptom onset to the time at which the patient isolated.
If any employee who was in close contact remains asymptomatic, the employees should adhere to the practices set out by the CDC in its April 8, 2020 Interim Guidance for Implementing Safety Practice for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had Exposure to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19;
If the affected employee becomes sick during the workday, the person will be sent home immediately. Surfaces in the employee’s workspace will be cleaned and disinfected. Information on other employees who had contact with the ill employee during the time the employee had symptoms and 48 hours prior to symptoms will be compiled. Others at the workplace with close contact within 6 feet of the employee during this time are considered exposed;
Employees who were in close contacts of any known exposure to COVID-19 at the business premises will be promptly notified, consistent with applicable confidentiality laws.
We are also helping our employees take care of not just their physical safety and well-being but also their mental health by providing them with resources.
For More Information
Manchester Bidwell Corporation cares about our community and is committed to providing the population we serve with helpful resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit our resource page containing more health and safety tips, educational programming, student and patron relations and community welfare services.
For any additional questions or concerns about MBC’s efforts related to COVID-19, please contact us.